The Results Measurement and Evidence Stream (RMES), launched in June 2014, is the first World Bank Group-wide initiative to bring together staff, talent, knowledge, and innovations, to establish standards and operational solutions on results measurement and evaluation. As of March 2017, there are more than 200 RMES members across the WBG.
The RMES Secretariat supports the members’ professional career development by delivering learning events and providing networking opportunities. Learning events are designed to solidify the members’ core technical competencies, while networking events strengthen members’ capacity to exchange ideas and collaborate.
Princess Aliyah TedStyle Talk focused on: New perspective requires taking a different path and drawing on knowledge and discovery outside a team's purview. This is why scientists often make their greatest discoveries shortly after changing fields. They join a team, bringing new perspectives, knowledge, and a different approach to innovation and invention.
Kashmir World Foundation (KwF) opens new paths for conservation with autonomous drones able to detect poaching and protect endangered species. Outmanned and outgunned in the field, rangers risk their lives daily in protecting endangered species. Some believe demand reduction is the solution, but with rhinos, elephants, snow leopards, and sea turtles now critically endangered, reducing demand will provide little hope for survival. Infused with artificial intelligence, KwF aircrafts patrol the skies day and night monitoring wildlife and searching for threats. Poachers may respond with changes in tactics, but the KwF aircraft think, adapt and optimize.
KwF empowers conservationists and rangers with education and training on unmanned aerial systems (UAS) for a new perspective and scope in problem-solving. Working collaboratively with engineers and conservationists the challenges are examined with potential new paths, evaluating costs, benefits, and time to completion. Together an innovative pathway to success is carved with the immersion of science and technology customized and optimized for the mission, enabling teams to move forward and make a difference worldwide.
KwF shares capabilities with a global open-source network, distributing adaptive mission effectiveness where needed and enabling people around the world to contribute improvements and lead the way to transformation.